
Any changes to the bot will be added to this page.



  • Fixed bug where users weren't DMed when the outcome of their suggestion was changed to anything but approved. Previously didn't have DM on choice code in the rest of the options.



  • Readded support for images in suggestions, had forgotten to add this in Version 3.0.0.


  • Fix bug when a suggestion had its channel deleted resulting in the bot crashing, fixed by using optional chaining when trying to get the suggestion message.



  • ?media has been added, whenever turned on images in suggestions will remain and exist forever, they'll never be invalidated. (Off by default, run ?media to turn it on).


  • New help command look, run ?help to check it out!

  • The bot is now completely written in JavaScript.


  • Giveaways have finally been removed after months of bugs.

  • ?suggestion_message has also been removed.



  • ?stats is now an alias of ?info upon request of users within the support server.

  • ?invite command added to allow users to easily obtain the invite link for Astro upon the request of users within the support server.

  • Whenever a user enters a giveaway their entry will be validated if invalid their reaction will be removed, and the user will then be direct messaged for the reason of invalidation.

  • ?choice_dm command added to allow server managers to choose whether the suggester should be direct messaged once the outcome of their suggestion has been changed, upon the request of users within the support server.

  • ?suggestion_message command added to allow server managers to choose if a suggestion should be turned into a suggestion if it is sent within the suggestion channel.

  • If a command is used within the suggestion channel which will change the outcome of a suggestion the invoked messaged will be deleted.

  • Added, "You can use ?help [command] for more information on a command!" to the bottom of the help command.

  • Added "+ This is the Official Documentation for Astro." to the bottom of the help command as the documentation wasn't listed anywhere previously.


  • Mass optimization within the bot's code to improve the overall speed.

  • Round Trip added to the bottom of the ping command to show the overall ping / latency.

  • Don't send a confirmation message when the outcome of a suggestion is changed if the command is used within the suggestion channel.

  • Fixed a bug that would raise DuplicateKeyError: E11000 duplicate key error collection when creating a suggestion, the error was caused for some reason by our MongoDB API wrapper pymongo. To fix this we try and create a suggestion with the next number if that fails do the number after that and etc.

  • The footer at the bottom of suggestions changed to be dynamic rather than hardcoded.

  • A new permissions system has been created to allow for a central permissions command. Usage has changed from ?permissions <Role or Member> [Value] to view or change whether a member or role can decide on the outcome of a suggestion to the following to view or change whether a member or role can decide on the outcome of a suggestion or host a giveaway within the server. The new format is as follows: ?permissions <Category> <Role or Member> [Value].

  • The permissions command has been changed from the 🎉Suggestions category to the ⚙ Misc Category within the help command.


  • Removed ?grole command, replaced with the new permissions system, read the bullet in changed for more information.

  • Removed " If you are having issues Join the Support Server Server you can use the command ?help (command) to get more help. Note that it only gives you a little information." from the end of the help command.



  • Fixed a bug within the ?removedata / deletedata command caused an error if the user invoking the command was not the owner of the server. The error was caused by a simple typo within the code where we had Config.ERRORCOLOR instead of config.errorcolor.



  • ?removedata / ?deletedata command added to allow server owners to delete all data pertaining to their server, this can't be undone and will require confirmation once done. This was added to improve a user's privacy



  • Info command updated to show the bot's current up-time, up-time is calculated by retrieving the timestamp of whenever the bot goes online and getting the timestamp of when the info command is used, then a simple calculation will be made to calculate the seconds that have passed since the bot went online and format the time.



  • Info command added, shows some information about the bot such as server and member count as well as some other statistics. Also shows what version the bot is currently on, how many lines of code, and how many commands the bot has.

  • Vote command added, upon the request of several members within the support server for the bot.?vote has been added so users can access the vote link of the bot. Previously users had to use the ?help command to obtain the link to the vote page.



  • The prefix command has been updated to improve overall security and look.

    • Security was improved as before everyone was allowed to change the prefix of a server (unintentional) but the command has now been updated to require manage server permissions to change the prefix. The command would also not work if used in DMs, this has been updated to fix this.

    • The look of the prefix command was improved by making the bot's response look more authentic, the response was changed from "My prefix for Astro Suggestions is: ?" to "Hey there, my name is Astro and my prefix is ?".



  • Fixed typo within the giveaway code that caused formatting to not work whenever you make three mistakes. Previously the bot responded with "This giveaway has been canceled due to too many errors. Please use {ctx.prefix}{ctx.invoked_with} to start again.", the bot will now respond with "This giveaway has been canceled due to too many errors. Please use ?gcreate to start again."



  • Simple error within the giveaway code was causing expired giveaways to break all giveaways, issue was caused by expired giveaways remaining in the database so they could be re-rolled.



  • Several commands have been added to improve the giveaway features of Astro, these include ?gend and ?greroll.

    • ?gend to end a giveaway while it's going on.

    • ?greroll to re-roll a giveaway after it has ended.


  • Several commands within the help menu were formatted incorrectly such as suggestionlog and suggestionchannel.



  • Giveaways have been added to the bot, advanced requirements and an interactive setup have been included in the bot all for free, giveaways can last from 1 second (May take up to 15 seconds to actually end) to upwards of several years. Any reasonable giveaway length will probably be supported.

    • ?ghost / gcreate to start the interactive giveaway set up.

    • ?giveawayrole / grole to view or edit the permissions of a user to host a giveaway.


  • Help command has been updated to improve the overall look of the command as well as to dynamically send help messages instead of having hardcoded responses, big thanks to the Cookie Discord bot!

  • The ping command has been updated to improve the overall look and feel of the command as well as the speed of it, the first message the bot sent was used to test the host latency, once the latency was tested the first message would be edited with the latency of both the bot and the host. Instead of having the bot send a message first it will now type into the channel to test latency.

  • Previously everyone was able to restart the bot using a bot that was supposed to be restricted to the management team of the bot, this was caused by a simple typo within the code, the typo has been fixed therefore everyone's permission to restart the bot has been revoked.



  • Changed upvote and downvote emojis from ⬆⬇ to ✔❌.


The initial release of Astro

Last updated