Frequently asked questions.

Q: How do I add Astro? A: You can add Astro with this link!

Q: How can I help out with the bot? A: Helping out other people on the support server, voting for the bot with this link, and suggesting features you would like to see. To suggest a feature feel free to join the support server with this link go to the #commands channel and do ?suggest (Suggestion).

Q: What is the bot's prefix and how can I change that? A: Astro's default prefix is ?, however, the prefix is customizable, to find out a server's prefix just do @Astro prefix. To change the prefix do @Astro prefix [New Prefix], this command does require Manage Server permissions to work!

Q: The bot won't respond to me when I use ?. A: You may be using the wrong prefix, ping / mention the bot by just typing @Astro prefix into chat, and the bot will let you know what its prefix is! If the server's prefix still doesn't work the bot may not have permissions to read or send messages in the channel!

Q: Does Astro collect any data? A: Astro does collect data; however, all the data we collect is when the bot is invoked with its prefix. For example, a user suggests a feature, and we will collect the data for the suggestion and store it to be further used in the server and further improvement of Astro.

Q: How can I find an ID? A: Follow this guide to find an ID.

Last updated